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Island Girl from the novel, Island Dogs

Warm exotic raindrops

dripping sweet from island skies

gently landing, easing pain

on salty, sun drenched lips.

Tropic breezes caress the blue

as blackbirds lightly skim

then gently kiss the rising mist

of the foaming white capped world.

Complicated yet simple

tangled blurry clarity.

Her long and slender fingers point

to angels in the stars

as whispers cut the silent dark

and temptation lingers on.

Fragrant scents of Jasmine light

dance thinly in the air

while enchanting tones of coffee bronze

flow richly through her skin

and salient flavors of passion fruit

hang enchanting from the limb.

Cool nights set in,

the warmth remains

Dreams are vivid, yet come and go.

Reality's perhaps illusion

Imagination perchance to know.

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